MF Global revealed to regulators that it was short perhaps $600 million in customer funds-money which the firm was supposed to keep in“segregated”accounts maintained under a raft of laws and regulations.
The CME announced that it would provide a $250 million guarantee to the trustee to let them make an interim distribution to customers now,and would give another $50 million to the trustee if there’s a shortfall at the end of the trustee’s distribution process.
知情者称,破产受托人办公室已经开始对全球曼氏金融的资产进行审核。曼氏金融美国经纪公司的破产受托人吉登斯(James W. Giddens) 在上周发出的一份声明中誓言要进行一次从容、全面、独立的调查,24小时无休。吉登斯说,受托人已经收到了投资者成千上万的询问请求。
The fear is that MF lost the segregated funds in bad trades or used them illegally to meet other obligations.
查找失踪资金的监管机构之一美国商品期货交易委员会委员欧马利亚(Scott O‘Malia)说,他们的账簿混乱不堪,我们正在尽力弄清哪些数字才是真实数字。商品期货交易委员会委员奇尔顿(Bart Chilton)说,自该公司提交破产申请后,就很难从它那里获得信息,令人失望。
Frustrated by a lack of legal options to reclaim frozen funds and dead-end inquiries to call centers and hotlines since MF Global’s Oct. 31 bankruptcy,many aren’t able to trade and say they’ve lost faith in retail brokerages and the regulatory system.