    2010-03-01    作者:曾德金    来源:经济参考报


  Easy money does not mean easy banking profits. Even so,last week‘s decision by the Federal Reserve to increase the ①discount rate②at which it lends to banks was hailed as the beginning of the end for bank profitability. In fact,the move is something of a technicality – borrowing under the main discount facility is now about $14bn,down from a crisis-time peak of more than $110bn. Use of the term auction facility,which the Fed has been winding down for some time and will end in March,has also declined.
  True,the Fed’s zero interest rate policy has kept the ③yield curve steep.With US banks‘average net interest margin at a four-year high,some banks laden with bad assets last year benefited as cheaper funding helped to balance continuing high rates of provisions and credit costs.
  But this cannot last. Yields in banks’ loan books are already shrinking,notes Institutional Risk Analytics.That worsens the longer rates remain low as assets reprice,and ④redemptions and charge-offs shrink outstanding loans.
  Rising rates,by contrast, should make it easier for banks to deploy money profitably. Sharp rises increase the chances that some banks fall flat over their interest rate risk. But,argues Credit Suisse,banks have been converting loan books to variable pricing,which means greater earnings uplift from rising rates.
  With $1,100bn of excess bank reserves at the Fed,this presents another problem:that banks lend out those reserves,⑤delivering a boost to the economy at just the wrong time. This explains the renewed emphasis on payment of interest on reserves,a tool to prevent that happening. That,however,is a headache for the central bank. Banks should welcome ⑥tighter money,even if those borrowing from them do not.



  相比之下,利率上升应该会让银行更容易以有利可图的方式配置资金。利率大幅上升加大了某些银行因利率风险而倒闭的可能性。但瑞信(Credit Suisse)辩称,银行一直在将贷款的账面价值转为弹性定价,意味着利率上升会带来更多利润。



  ①discount rate,金融术语,意为贴现率。1.指商业银行以政府债务如国库券为抵押,向中央银行借入资金的利率。2.泛指将未来现金流折算为现值的利率。在文中取第一个意思。
  ②at which it lends to banks,定语从句,结构是“先行词(discount rate)+介词(at)+关系代词(which)”
  ③yield curve,收益率曲线,债券术语,是显示一组货币和信贷风险均相同,但期限不同的债券或其他金融工具收益率的图表。纵轴代表收益率。
  ⑤delivering …在此为现在分词短语作结果状语,是“借出这些准备金”所带来的结果。
  ⑥tighter money在此相当于tight currency policy (made by the Fed.)“紧缩的货币政策”。

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