[双语阅读]与两房达成和解 摩根大通将支付51亿美元
2013-10-28   作者:廖冰清/编译  来源:经济参考报

  The Federal Housing Finance Agency,which regulates Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,said Friday that it struck a separate $5.1 billion deal with JPMorgan Chase over faulty mortgage practices,rather than wait for the Justice Department to finalize its share of a tentative $13 billion deal with the bank.

  Friday’s deal calls for JPMorgan,the nation’s largest bank,to pay about $2.7 billion to Freddie Mac and $1.3 billion to Fannie Mae to resolve claims related to mortgage securities sold to the companies between 2005 and 2007 by the bank and two firms it acquired,Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual.

  The additional $1.1 million resolves claims that JPMorgan breached the representations it made about the quality of single-family mortgages it sold the government-sponsored entities,the regulator said.

  In a statement Friday,JPMorgan called the agreement with the FHFA“an important step towards a broader resolution of the firm’s”mortgage-related matters. Edward DeMarco,the FHFA’s acting director,said the settlement with JPMorgan“provides greater certainty in the marketplace and is in line with our responsibility for preserving and conserving Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s assets on behalf of taxpayers.”

  The bank and the agencies’regulator said Friday evening that the settlement was expected to be part of a tentative $13 billion deal that JPMorgan is negotiating with federal and state agencies over its mortgage bond liabilities.

  While the parties have agreed to the framework of the deal,talks have slowed over whether JPMorgan can shift onto the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp liabilities of Washington Mutual,a failed lender which JPMorgan took over during the financial crisis.

  The FHFA sued 18 financial institutions in September 2011 over their sales of mortgage securities to Fannie and Freddie. The total price for the securities sold was $196 billion.

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