Facebook Inc. pulled back the curtain on how much it thinks it is worth,targeting a valuation as rich as $96 billion in what would be a record debut for an American company. 脸谱公司披露了它给自己确定的估值,其目标是获得960亿美元的估值,将创出美国科技企业的上市纪录。(《华尔街日报》) 根据脸谱上周四公布的方案,它将在首次公开募股时发行约3.374亿股股票,每股定价为28至35美元,最高将募集118亿美元资金。据报道,美国上市公司在IPO中募资规模超过脸谱的只有两家,一家是维萨公司,另一家是通用汽车公司。前者在2008年募资197亿美元,后者在2010年募资181亿美元。
The filing starts the period during which Facebook’s executives will meet with key investors to persuade them,ahead of an expected May 18 IPO,that the social media network deserves the high valuation. It would make Facebook the most valuable U.S. technology company at the time of its IPO,far ahead of Google’s $23 billion valuation in 2004. 现在,在5月18日IPO之前,脸谱的管理层需要说服主要投资者认同公司值这个高价。这个IPO将使脸谱成为美国IPO时最贵的科技公司,远高于2004年谷歌上市时的230亿美元估值。(Msnbc)
At nearly $100 billion,it would also rival the current market values of more established companies including Amazon and Mcdonald’s and longtime tech giants like Hewlett-Packard despite having a fraction of the revenue or profit. 凭借近1000亿美元的估值,该公司还将挑战亚马逊和麦当劳等老牌公司以及惠普等资深科技巨头目前的估值,尽管其利润只相当于这些公司的一个零头。(《华尔街日报》)
Facebook is betting its growth prospects will persuade investors to pay 99 times earnings for its initial public offering,a higher multiple than 99 percent of companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. 脸谱公司正在打赌能凭借其增长前景来说服投资者以高达其盈利99倍的价格来购买其股票,这个价格超过了99%的标普500指数公司的定价。(彭博) 据报道,分析人士表示,这个价格确实非常贵。有分析指出,近三年,脸谱公司的增长有所放慢。市场研究和数据分析公司BIA Kelsey的分析师威廉姆斯(Jed Williams)认为,要想证明估值合理,脸谱未来五年每年的收入增幅必须达到41%。事实上,脸谱需要做的事情不少。
Among Facebook’s challenges will be convincing skeptical marketers that ads on its site lead to people buying products. In addition,Facebook lags in the fast-growing mobile market,where Google has gained significant influence with its Android software. And Facebook has little presence in China,home to the world’s largest population of Internet users. 脸谱将面临多项挑战,其中包括说服心存怀疑的广告客户,让他们相信在该网站上做广告会吸引消费者购买产品。此外,脸谱在迅速增长的移动市场也处于落后地位,而谷歌凭借安卓(Android)软件在这个市场获得了相当大的影响力。脸谱在全球网民数量最多的中国的业务也几乎是一片空白。(《华尔街日报》) 就在脸谱公司公布定价后不久,Wedbush证券公司给出了第一个买入推荐,目标价格为44美元。