2013-12-16   作者:廖冰清/编译  来源:经济参考报

  A U.S. federal judge on Friday approved an estimated $5.7 billion class action settlement between merchants and Visa Inc. and MasterCard Inc. over credit card fees despite objections from thousands of retailers who complained it was inadequate.

  The agreement—billed as the largest settlement of an antitrust case—was reached in 2012 to end years of litigation against payments networks Visa and MasterCard as well as several banks that issue their credit cards. Merchants and their trade groups sued the companies in 2005,alleging they conspired to set so-called interchange fees at unfairly high levels.

  The settlement provides for cash payments to merchants nationwide and lets them begin charging customers an extra fee when they use Visa or MasterCard credit cards.

  For the credit card companies,the approval of the settlement will allow them to cast aside a tremendous legal headache. Yet it is not enough to quell the anger of retailers,who say the agreement does not prevent the credit card giants from imposing higher fees with impunity.

  Merchants have argued that they have limited power to negotiate the amount of the fees,which cost them and their customers about $30 billion a year,according to the National Retail Federation. They have also accused credit card companies of barring them from steering shoppers to cheaper forms of payment.

  Under certain circumstances,the settlement allows merchants to charge customers extra if they use Visa or MasterCard credit cards. But Critics of the deal point out that those opportunities are extremely limited,and certain states prohibit such surcharging. The critics also say that merchants are unlikely to take advantage of surcharging for fear of upsetting consumers or losing them to competitors that do not impose a surcharge.

  U.S. District Judge John Gleeson of Brooklyn,New York,dismissed some of the objections made by merchants opposed to the deal as hyperbole.

  The trade group is considering appealing and has the backing of several retail organizations,including the National Association of Convenience Stores and National Community Pharmacists Association,that say the deal will not change the fighting between merchants and card companies.

  In July 2012,attorneys representing merchants nationwide reached a $7.2 billion settlement that has since tumbled to $5.7 billion as 8,000 merchants,including Amazon and Wal-Mart,bowed out of the deal. Those dissenters say the deal forces merchants that accept Visa or MasterCard to waive their right to sue the companies over swipe fees.

  Many retailers who opted out of the settlement have filed their own lawsuits.

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