2014-10-13    作者:廖冰清/编译    来源:经济参考报

  Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services lowered its outlook on France’s AA credit rating to negative from stable Friday,casting doubt on the effectiveness of President Franois Hollande’s flagship policies and warning that public finances may deteriorate as economic growth disappoints.

  “We believe that,due to policy implementation risk related to the budgetary consolidation and structural reforms,a recovery of the French economy could prove elusive and that France’s public finances might deteriorate beyond 2014,although this is not our base-case scenario,”it said in a statement. 

  The change in the outlook comes as the French government itself acknowledges that weak economic growth has undermined its budget plans and the budget deficit will run higher than promised earlier this year.

  Official figures from the Bank of France showed that the French economy did not grow at all in the second quarter,and for the third quarter it is forecasting growth of 0.2%.

  The French government confirmed at the start of the month that it would not cut its public deficit as fast as it had promised its EU partners due to weaker than expected growth and inflation. The government now expects the deficit to fall in line with an EU-mandated target of 3 percent of economic output in 2017 instead of 2015 as previously promised. 

  S&P projects that the French government’s deficits will average 4.1% between 2014 and 2017—compared to 3.2% as of April this year—while economic growth will average just 1.2% during that same time frame,a growth projection that is 0.1% lower than their prior forecast.

  The further deterioration of S&P’s assessment of France’s finances comes at a difficult moment for Mr. Hollande. With opinion polls showing he is the least popular president,the Socialist leader’s government faces opposition on all sides to his plans to repair public finances and buoy the economy after a prolonged period of stagnation. 

  S&P said that Mr. Hollande’s unpopularity and the vocal opposition to his fiscal and economic plans may slow down action on finances and liberalizing highly regulated areas of the economy. The country already lacks a strong record for carrying out painful reforms,the ratings firm noted.“We believe that implementation risks persist,”S&P said.

  French Finance Minister Michel Sapin reacted quickly to the move from S&P. In a statement,he said French debt remains one of the safest and most liquid investments in the world. He also said that France wouldn’t change its economic strategy.“The economic situation is weighing on our budget balances,but the government has decided to stick to its course,”Mr. Sapin said.

  S&P was the first of the three major ratings firms to strip France of the top triple-A rating in January 2012,just before Mr. Hollande came to office. Since then,both Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch Ratings have followed suit and S&P downgraded France again in November last year to AA from AA+.

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