2014-08-18    作者:廖冰清/编译    来源:经济参考报

  Activist Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square Capital Management LP filed its second lawsuit in two days against the U.S. government over bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,court documents show.

  In Friday’s complaint with the U.S. District Court,Pershing Square alleged that the Department of the Treasury illegally seized tens of billions of dollars in Fannie and Freddie profits. In the second lawsuit,Pershing suggests the mortgage companies’dividends being paid to the Treasury should be shared among other common shareholders.

  Pershing Square’s suit,filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Washington,D.C.,also names as a defendant the Federal Housing Finance Agency,the regulatory agency that controls Fannie and Freddie.

  Pershing Square said in the complaint that it was told the Fannie and Freddie stockholders no longer have fundamental shareholders rights. Federal Housing Finance Agency(FHFA),denied “written demands by Pershing Square to the companies‘boards of directors for a books and records inspection”,according to the complaint.

  Pershing Square is the biggest holder of Fannie and Freddie’s common stock,with about 10 per cent of each,but its litigation is filed jointly with three small shareholders—a retired nurse,a former social worker and a scientist.

  In a complaint filed on Thursday with the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington,D.C.,Pershing accused the government of violating the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by taking private property for public use without just compensation.

  Though the lawsuits raise different legal theories and are in different courts,they are both designed to enable Ackman to recoup sums for the depressed value of his Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shares.

  Fannie and Freddie collapsed in 2008 under the weight of toxic mortgage investments,but the government put them into conservatorship and their shares and preferred stock kept trading. Hedge funds invested years later when it looked as if the companies would return to profit,but the Treasury changed the terms of the bailout in 2012 to divert those profits to the taxpayer.

  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac paid fixed dividends of 10 percent on the government’s stock until the Treasury amended the terms of the bailout to take all their earnings. The agreements and dividend payments to the Treasury make it impossible for stockholders to realize future value of their ownership interest in the entities,Pershing Square said in its complaint.

  Pershing Square’s complaint is at least the 20th lawsuit challenging the government’s decision to divert Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac profits to the Treasury.

  In a presentation of his ideas on the future of Fannie and Freddie earlier this year,Mr Ackman said he hoped to be a partner to the US government in reforming housing finance and predicted that the Treasury would make more money returning the companies to the private sector than by winding them down. 

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