British Banks the Most Exposed
To China -------------- HSBC Holdings PLC said in its latest financial
report that outstanding loans in China grew 12% in the year ended June 30, to
$36.2 billion. Standard Chartered PLC said in its interim statement for the same
period that its overall exposure to Chinese customers rose 30% to $58.3 billion.
英国银行对华信贷风险敞口最大 -------------- 汇丰控股有限公司在最新的财务报告中称,截至6月30日的一年,公司在中国的贷款余额增加了12%,至362亿美元。渣打集团有限公司在涵盖上述时期的中期报告中称,对中国客户的总体信贷风险敞口扩大30%,至583亿美元。