IMF upbeat despite revision
down of global forecast -------------- The International Monetary Fund
has sliced its 2014 global growth forecast from 3.7 per cent to 3.4 per cent
after a dismal first quarter in the US and weakness in big emerging markets. The
downgrade shows how 2014 threatens to become another disappointing year for
global growth, as the slowdown in economies such as Brazil comes on top of a
shock 2.9 per cent annualised fall in US output in the first
quarter. IMF下调全球经济增长预期 -------------- 国际货币基金组织(IMF)将2014年全球经济增长预测从3.7%下调至3.4%。此前美国经济第一季度表现欠佳,一些大型新兴市场经济体呈现疲态。下调增长预测显示,对全球经济增长,2014年恐将成为又一个令人失望的一年。在巴西等经济体增长放缓的同时,美国经济产出在今年首季出现令人震惊的2.9%年化萎缩。