2014-01-13   作者:廖冰清/编译  来源:经济参考报

  Total is set to become the first major oil company to invest in Britain’s nascent shale gas industry,boosting the industry’s profile in a country seen as one of Europe’s strongest prospects for unconventional oil and gas development.

  The French group is set to commit 30 million pounds($50 million)to drilling for shale gas in Lincolnshire,in central England,sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.A Total spokesman would not confirm any details,but said an announcement would be made on Monday.

  The investment is tiny in oil industry terms-and especially small in the context of the tens of billions of dollars spent every year by Total.However,having such a large player as a partner will be a feather in the cap of industry minnows Dart Energy,Egdon Resources,IGas and eCORP,with which Total will partner on two exploration licenses.
  这一投资在石油行业里数额微小,尤其跟道达尔每年数百亿美元的支出相比更是如此。但拥有这样一个重量级合作伙伴对行业内的其他企业来说将是一件引以为傲的事。道达尔将与Dart Energy、Egdon Resources、IGas、eCORP等公司合作共用两项勘探许可证。(路透社)

  The deal,to be announced on Monday,will be seen as a big vote of confidence in the UK’s fledgling shale industry.The coalition has made the exploitation of Britain’s unconventional gas reserves a top priority.

  The government previously unveiled a package of reforms to encourage development in the industry.They included new planning guidelines to make the process of approving new drilling sites more streamlined,and a consultation on tax incentives to encourage exploration.Communities affected by shale gas drilling are also expected to receive £100,000 in“community benefits”and 1% of production revenues.

  George Osborne,chancellor,has argued that shale has“huge potential”to broaden Britain’s energy mix,create thousands of jobs and keep energy bills low.

  Shale gas has helped boost the domestic energy industry in the US in recent years,where oil production has risen and gas prices have plummeted.Major oil companies waited for more than five years before investing in shale gas production in the US,but the UK will receive this major oil and gas company backing while the industry is still in its infancy.

  But the entry of Total will antagonise anti-shale campaigners who are strongly opposed to fracking.They say the process,which involves injecting water,sand and chemicals underground at high pressure into shale rock to release the oil and gas trapped inside,can contaminate groundwater and cause earthquakes.They also worry about the air pollution and heavy traffic resulting from large-scale fracking operations.

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