2013-11-18   作者:廖冰清/编译  来源:经济参考报

  JPMorgan Chase & Co. said on Friday it agreed to pay $4.5 billion to settle claims by investors who lost money on mortgage-backed securities before the collapse of the U.S. housing market.

  The bank reached the agreement with 21 institutional investors in 330 residential mortgage-backed securities trusts issued by JPMorgan and Bear Stearns,which it took over during the financial crisis,according to the bank and lawyers for the investors.

  That preliminary settlement was valued at about $6bn. The difference in the final deal is explained by the absence of securities sold by Washington Mutual,the bank acquired by JPMorgan during the crisis.

  The 21 investors include BlackRock Inc, Metlife Inc,Allianz SE’s Pacific Investment Management Company,the TCW Group and Bayerische Landesbank. The deal still has to be accepted by seven trustees overseeing the securities holdings,the parties said.

  The deal helps JPMorgan put behind it a major piece of mortgage litigation related to the financial crisis,albeit at the cost of further billions of dollars. It comes as a separate broader deal with the US government over bad mortgages,which could see JPMorgan pay $13bn in total,is still being thrashed out.

  As part of the $13 billion deal,$4 billion will resolve U.S. government claims that JPMorgan misled mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac about risky mortgage-backed securities.

  Still to be decided is whether the Justice Department will file criminal charges against JPMorgan in the mortgage securities debacle. An investigation is underway by the U.S. Attorney’s office in Sacramento,Calif.

  Mounting legal costs pushed JPMorgan to a rare loss in this year’s third quarter,the first under CEO Jamie Dimon’s leadership. The bank reported Oct. 11 that it set aside $9.2 billion in the July-September quarter to cover the string of legal cases against the bank.

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