[双语阅读]事故频出 波音股价大跌
2013-07-15   作者:廖冰清/编译  来源:经济参考报

  Shares of Boeing dropped almost 5 percent Friday after an empty 787 experienced a fire at Heathrow Airport.

  The fire broke out on the Ethiopian Airlines plane on Friday afternoon, and was discovered when smoke was seen on the plane eight hours after arriving from Addis Ababa. No one was injured.

  Investigators classified the fire as a “serious incident”but have found no evidence it was caused by the plane’s batteries,Britain’s Air Accidents Investigation Branch(AAIB)said on Saturday.

  The UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch’s finding will provide limited comfort to the manufacturer because it was the overheating of lithium-ion batteries on two Dreamliners in January that prompted regulators to order a global grounding of Boeing’s newest and most sophisticated passenger jet.

  The planes were cleared to resume flying in April after Boeing redesigned the battery system and got approval for the changes from global aviation regulators. Ethiopian was the first airline to resume using the 787.

  Meanwhile,Thomson Airways said on Saturday that it had replaced a small number of components on a Dreamliner that turned back during a flight on Friday from Manchester to Florida,adding the aircraft would fly again on Sunday. The UK airline said the Dreamliner,which returned to Britain as a precautionary measure,had suffered a “minor technical issue”.

  Boeing shares fell $5.01,or 4.7 percent,to $101.87 in trading Friday. The shares earlier dropped as low as $98.99.

  Shares of Boeing suppliers also fell. Precision Castparts fell $3.49,or 1.5 percent,to $233.78. Spirit Aerosystems,which also makes parts for the 787,fell 48 cents,or 2.1 percent,to $22.65.
  波音公司供应商的股价也受到牵连。Precision Castparts下跌3.49美元至233.78美元,跌幅为1.5%。同样为787客机生产零部件的Spirit Aerosystems下跌了48美分至22.65美元,跌幅为2.1%。(美联社)

  Citi analyst Jason Gursky said a fire related to the plane’s electrical system,even if it is not tied to the lithium-ion battery,would be a concern for investors.

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