2013-06-24   作者:廖冰清/编译  来源:经济参考报

    Russian oil major OAO Rosneft has agreed on a 25-year contract with China to deliver 365 million tons of oil to the country in a deal worth $270 billion.

  It is a further sign that Russia-the world’s biggest oil producer-is focusing on Asia,not Europe,as its main business partner of the future. Russia currently exports about 4.4 million barrels of oil per day,with Asian markets accounting for 17% of that.

  Russia currently sends 15m tonnes of oil a year to China through the East Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline that opened in 2009,a fraction of its 518m-tonne annual oil output.

  The deal,one of the biggest ever in the history of the global oil industry,will bring Rosneft $60-70 billion in upfront pre-payment from China.It will also allow Rosneft,the world’s biggest publicly listed oil firm,to steeply cut its heavy debts and develop new remote Arctic fields.

  According to ratings agency Standard and Poor’s,Rosneft faces large debt maturities of $6.6bn in 2013,$15.9bn in 2014,and $16.2bn in 2016. The Chinese payments will lighten this load considerably.

  In a separate agreement,the state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation has also agreed to take a 20 per cent stake in Novatek’s $20bn liquefied natural gas project on Russia’s remote Yamal peninsula. As part of the stake,CNPC will receive 3m metric tonnes of LNG per year under a long-term contract–a move that will end Gazprom’s longtime monopoly on gas exports.

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