[双语阅读]标普500创新高 上涨动能减弱
2013-04-01   作者:廖冰清/编译  来源:经济参考报

    The S&P 500 index closed on Thursday night at a record high of 1,569,up 6 points or 0.4%. The last time it broke into new territory was on 9 October 2007 when it closed at 1,565.

  The S&P has been near its record high for several weeks,despite the still sluggish performance of the US economy. This means it finishes the quarter 10% higher than its level at the beginning of the year and more than double its low point during the financial crisis.

  The index is closely tracked by professional investors and its four-year recovery since 2009 reflects a growing belief that the Federal Reserve’s continuing support for markets and the economy will overcome modest U.S. growth and lingering economic and political weakness in Europe.

  But some strategists say Thursday’s record could be a harbinger that the stock market rally is running out of steam.

  “As the market has gone higher ... upward moves have generally gotten smaller,which suggests that the move is getting old and that we need a pullback,”said Mark Arbeter,chief technical strategist for Standard & Poor’s in New York.

  Investors warned clients not to get overly excited.“Getting back to where we were is an important step,”said Howard Silverblatt,senior index analyst at S&P Dow Jones Indices. But he cautioned in a note to investors:“Markets are volatile,and if you are a long-term investor you should expect declines.”

  So far,annual inflation has been benign enough that policy makers have largely ignored it,but U.S. consumer prices nevertheless are up 13% since 2007. Stock indexes only recently have moved above their levels of that period,meaning they remain far from records after adjusting for inflation.

  The stock market next week will face tests of the milestone it reached,with the situation of Cyprus’s banks and a round of U.S. data,including the March jobs report on Friday,facing investors.

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