2013-03-25   作者:周武英/编译  来源:经济参考报

    BP,which completed the sale of the half-owned TNK-BP to Russian state oil firm Rosneft on Thursday,said the move,designed to increase the value of remaining shares,was an amount equivalent to the value of the company‘s original investment in TNK-BP in 2003.

  In 2003,BP invested nearly $8 billion cash,shares and assets in the formation of TNK-BP. Over the following decade,BP received $19 billion in dividends from the joint venture. BP sold its stake in TNK-BP to Rosneft,followed by a reinvestment in Rosneft shares,for an overall consideration of $12.48 billion cash,along with shares representing 18.5% of Rosneft. Therefore,BP currently holds a 19.75% shareholding in Rosneft.

  The British oil major confirmed on Friday that it would return $8bn of the $12.5bn cash proceeds to shareholders in its first buyback since 2008. It had previously said the pay-out will be at least $4bn.

  Shares in BP climbed 1.8 percent to 457.5 pence in early trading,making the company one of the biggest risers in London’s bluechip index,a move analysts attributed to the bigger than expected cash return.

  BP’s chairman,Carl-Henric Svanberg,said:“This buyback programme should allow our shareholders to see benefits in the near-term from the value we have realised by reshaping our Russian business.”

  The $4.5bn balance remaining from the Russian sale after the buyback will be used to reduce group debt,BP said.

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