2013-02-18   作者:闫磊/编译  来源:经济参考报


  The deal,which requires the approval of Heinz shareholders and the okay of regulators,will be financed through a combination of cash,rollover of existing debt and debt financing. The deal is expected to close in the third quarter,the companies said in a statement.

  The company actually generates the largest portion of its sales in Europe,though its traditional North American consumer products business is the most profitable.But its real growth engine has been the Asia/Pacific region,where sales increased nearly 11 percent in the last fiscal year,in part on demand for sauces and infant foods in China.
  亨氏可借由并购更加多元化,并拓展其在国际上的能见度。亨氏已经主导了番茄酱业务,根据Euromonitor International的统计,亨氏在全球市场占有率将近26%,国内市场份额达59%。

  One Berkshire investor said he had mixed feelings about the deal because of the limited growth prospects domestically.“We‘re a little hesitant on the staple companies because they don’t have any leverage in the United States,”said Bill Smead,chief investment officer of Smead Capital Management in Seattle.
  而另一位投资者——Destination财富管理公司的Michael Yoshikami则看好这宗收购,认为可以为其他交易提供现金流。

  Shares of other food companies in the sector also rose amid speculation that the Heinz deal could trigger a wave of mergers.

  The proposed deal is the latest in a series of recent takeovers and trumps the $24bn leveraged buyout offer by Michael Dell,along with Microsoft and Silver Lake Partners,to take private the computer maker he founded three decades ago.
  这笔拟议中的交易是近期一系列收购的最新一例,超过迈克尔·戴尔(Michael Dell)联手微软(Microsoft)和银湖资本(Silver Lake)发出的240亿美元杠杆收购要约,后者的目的是将戴尔30年前创立的电脑制造商私有化。(《金融时报》)

  The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has frozen the assets of a Swiss trading account that allegedly made a series of“highly suspicious”trades reaping about $1.7 million ahead of the blockbuster sale of H.J. Heinz Co.

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