2011-08-15   作者:闫磊/编译  来源:经济参考报

    据知情人士透露,美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission,简称FTC)官员日前对谷歌的反垄断调查主要集中在该公司的几个重要业务领域,其中包括谷歌的Android手机软件以及网页搜索相关服务。
  Six weeks after serving Google with broad subpoenas,Federal Trade Commission lawyers,in conjunction with several state attorneys general,have been asking whether Google prevents smartphone manufacturers that use its Android operating system from using competitors’ services,these people said.

  欧盟(European Union)监管机构正在对九宗针对谷歌的反垄断指控进行调查。

  They also have inquired whether Google grants preferential placement on its website to its own products,such as Google’s “Places”business listings,its “Shopping results” and Google Finance services above most other results.And they’re looking into allegations that Google unfairly takes information collected by rivals,such as reviews of local businesses,to use on its own specialized site and then demotes the rivals’ services in its search results,the people said.
  相关人员还质询谷歌是否在其网站上优先放置自己的产品,如谷歌Places、Shopping results和谷歌金融服务等。知情人士称,他们还在调查谷歌是否不正当地获取企业评价等竞争对手收集的信息,并将这些信息用于自己的专业网站上,然后降低竞争对手服务在搜索结果中的排名。(DailyTech)

  “We understand that with success comes scrutiny,”said a Google spokeswoman. “We’re happy to answer any questions they have about our business.”


  Google Inc. accused rivals Oracle Corp.,Microsoft Corp. and Apple Inc. of waging an “organized,hostile campaign” against the Internet search giant’s Android mobile phone software,using questionable patents.
  互联网搜索巨头谷歌(Google Inc.)指责甲骨文(Oracle Corp.)、微软(Microsoft Corp.)和苹果(Apple Inc.)利用存在问题的专利,对自己的Android手机软件发起了一场“有组织的敌对攻势”。(路透社)


  The campaign against Android is being waged “through bogus patents,”Mr. Drummond wrote,adding that “Microsoft and Apple have always been at each other’s throats,so when they get into bed together you have to start wondering what’s going on.”

  谷歌正在想尽办法阻止那些力图扼杀Android的人,并在谋求加强它自己的专利库。而美国司法部调查微软和苹果收购北电网络(Nortel Networks Corp.)专利是否出于反竞争目的,也让谷歌受到鼓舞。

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