Apple Inc. has built up a $76.2 billion cash hoard. Now the question is what the company intends to do with the money pile.苹果公司(Apple Inc.)
“We‘re talking about a level of cash that’s preposterous by any metric,”said Mr. Sacconaghi,an analyst with Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Apple,which has no debt,could easily borrow money at low interest rates to make a large acquisition if it wanted,he said.投资公司Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.
分析师萨克纳吉(Toni Sacconaghi)说,苹果公司的现金水平不管怎样看都是不合理的。他说,苹果没有负债,如果想进行大规模收购,它可以很容易地借到低息资金。(《华尔街日报》)
除了6月下旬从北电网络(Nortel Networks)购买电信相关专利(金额未披露)以外,苹果公司今年没有从事其他收购活动。过去它曾做过一些小规模收购,其中最大的一笔是2008年4月份收购半导体公司P.A. Semi Inc.,据估计收购价为2.78亿美元。当然,有一些投资者对于苹果囤着现金不花是无所谓的。资产管理公司Thrivent Asset Management持有苹果股票,该公司基金经理宾格(Mike Binger)说,这说明他们的资产负债表非常坚实,让我十分放心。在他看来,苹果有了这些现金,想做什么就可以做什么。
It is only a matter of time,before Apple’s sheer size forces the markets to attend to the gritty details of how cheaply it can make and sell its products,before looking at the amazing momentum in the top line.
“It‘s taking away from the PC. When we surveyed people who buy iPads,more of them were choosing it instead of a computer,”marketing chief Phil Schiller told Reuters.“More are choosing it instead of a Windows computer than choosing it instead of a Mac.”
苹果营销主管Phil Schiller向路透表示,“iPad侵蚀了PC销售。当我们对iPad买家进行调查时,他们多选择了iPad,而非选择电脑。比较多的买家买iPad来取代Windows电脑,而用来取代Mac者则较少。”(路透社)
Apple Inc shares flirted with a record $400 on Wednesday,a day after the world’s most valuable technology company posted blockbuster results and triggered a spate of brokerage upgrades.