“Zoom-in on Poverty”Global Photo Contest Solicitation Notice
2011-07-07   作者:  来源:经济参考报




    1. 纪实职业单幅作品组  金奖1名 银奖2名 铜奖3名 优秀奖10名
    2. 纪实职业组照作品组  金奖1名 银奖2名 铜奖3名 优秀奖10名
    3. 纪实非职业单幅作品组  金奖1名 银奖2名 铜奖3名 优秀奖10名
    4. 纪实非职业组照作品组  金奖1名 银奖2名 铜奖3名 优秀奖10名
    5. 创意作品组  金奖1名 银奖2名 铜奖3名 优秀奖10名
    6. “关注贫困贡献者”组  大奖1名
    7. 最具网络人气作品组  1名
    (十二)大赛设置“关注贫困贡献者奖” (组别6),旨在奖励通过摄影的方式,长期关心并深刻反映“关注贫困”主题,为消除贫困做出贡献的摄影师。参加评选“关注贫困贡献者奖”(组别6)比赛的作者须提交30幅个人摄影代表作品,并须提供可以证明作品在媒体发表的相关电子文档或纸质复印文档,另附600字以内的供职单位推荐信,如无固定供职单位,请附600字以内的自荐信。
    (十五)大赛只接受电子图片,以在线提交作品为主要参赛方式(登录官方网站www.zoom-inpoverty.org,按要求提交作品);特殊情况可以邮寄光盘(需提前通过电话或电子邮件联系主办方)。投稿截止时间为北京时间2011年9月1日,24:00, 以该时间之前收到作品为准。
    邮    编:100803
    电    话:010-63076532/2054/7770
    传    真:010-63076532        
    值班人员:韩 敬 王 雪 张潇艺






    1. Contest Introduction

    The “Zoom-in on Poverty” Global Photo Contest is a global public welfare campaign initiated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)  and the Xinhua News Agency. The contest’s theme is to zoom in on poverty and promote social progress and development and its aim is to refocus the world's attention on poverty through photographic media that portrays some of the causes, solutions and achievements made in poverty alleviation to date. It also seeks to generate support from people, governments and businesses all around the world in the global fight against poverty.
     As part of this competition, submissions of entries will be solicited from 1 June 2011 to 1 September 2011, with an award ceremony due to be held on 17 October 2011 – the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty – in Beijing.
    During which, the Board of Judges will use international standards to review the calibre of each entry and in determining the award selection criteria. This will include the application of conceptual and photographic awareness, and those entries which help contribute to global poverty eradication. The awards are open to both editorial and creative images; all images submitted must have been taken in the past ten years (1 January 2001 to 1 September 2011) and must also reflect the theme of the contest.

    2. Regulations

    a) Date of contest (Beijing time):
    i. Start Date: 1 June, 2011
    ii. End Date: 1 September, 2011
    Please note: We will not be able to accept entries submitted after this deadline.
    b) The contest is open to all, regardless of age, gender and nationality. All entries submitted by minors should abide by the law of the PRC.
    c) Photographs must have been taken during the period 1 January 2001 to 1 September 2011. Published or unpublished work can be submitted.
    d) Entries must be related to the contest theme, which is “to draw attention to poverty and promote social progress and development”.
    e) No application fee is required.
    f) Participants who fail to follow the application regulations and whose photograph(s) fail to fulfil the following requirements will be disqualified.

    3. Submission:
    a) The contest is divided into seven categories, each with individual prizes and review:

                                                Gold Silver Bronze Merit
    1. Editorial Images Best Professional Singles Award 1 2 3 10
    2. Editorial Images Best Professional Stories Award 1 2 3 10
    3. Editorial Images Best Non-Professional Singles Award 1 2 3 10
    4. Editorial Images Best Non-Professional Stories Award 1 2 3 10
    5. Creative Images Award 1 2 3 10
    6. Netizen’s Choice Award 1 - - -
    7. Anti-Poverty Achievement Award 1 - - -

    b) Photographs must be submitted with the contest application form attached and photographs may only be submitted once during the contest.
    c) Please state the name of the photograph and give a brief description. The description should be objective and genuine. Please also state the venue and time that the photograph was taken and provide the full names any character(s) in each entry.
    d) Participants wishing to enter the “Editorial Images” Category (Category 1, 2, 3 and 4) should be aware that this section is divided into Professional and amateur groups and that participants are only permitted to submit entries in one of these two groups.
    e) Entries into the “Stories” Category (Category 2 and 4) must contain 3-12 photos.
    f) The file size for “Editorial Images” entries (Category 1, 2, 3 and 4) must be between 500-1000KB; the file size for Creative Image photographs must not exceed 10MB.
    g) No photo-retouching or modification is allowed in “Editorial Images” entries.
    h) The Netizen’s Choice Award (Category 6) is to be selected through online polling. The judge committee will then select the best photograph from the top ten entries.
    i) The Anti-Poverty Achievement Award (Category 7) is to commend photographers who have persistently worked to reduce poverty through photographic media. Participants in this group must submit 30 of his/her own photograph. Please also provide a copy of the publications in which these photographs have been published. A recommendation letter or self-recommendation should also be attached.
    j) Only soft copy of photographs is accepted. Please upload your photograph(s) at www.zoom-inpoverty.org, following the procedure detailed online. A CD or DVD will also be accepted before 24:00 on 1 September 2011. However, please be sure to call or email the organiser in advance of your submission.
    When you send your CD By Post:
    Please send CD entries together with their title, caption, etc. and a scanned submission form with the contestant’s signature to:
    Address: Xinhua News Agency, No. 57 XuanWuMen West Road, Beijing, 100803
    Tel: 8610-63076532/2054/7770
    Fax: 8610-63076532
    Email: photocontest@xinhua.org
    Contact Person: Han Jing, Wang Xue, Zhang Xiaoyi

    3. Review and Award

    a) All photographs will be reviewed anonymously.
    b) There are to be 11 members on the judging committee.
    c) The results of the contest will be announced on 17 October 2011 – The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. An award ceremony will be held on the same day.
    d) The results of this contest shall be final and no consultation will be entertained into after the announcement of the results.
    e) The winner of gold, silver and bronze awards will be awarded with US $5,000, US $2,000, and US $1,000 respectively. Merit winners will be awarded with trophies and certificates. The Netizen’s Choice Award winner will be awarded with US $6,000 and a selection of photography apparatus. The Anti-Poverty Achievement Award winner will be awarded with US $8,000 and a selection of photography apparatus. The organiser will provide the awards before tax.
    The organiser will invite the winner to the award ceremony in Beijing. The awarded photographs will be presented through an exhibition and media presentation.

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