2011-05-23   作者:闫磊/编译  来源:经济参考报


  U.S. factory output slipped for the first time in 10 months in April as a shortage of parts from Japan crimped activity and home building slumped,showing the economy got off to a weak start in the secondquarter. Signs of lackluster economic activity were also evident indeclining sales at Wal-Mart Stores,which said its customers were still living from paycheck to paycheck. 

  The benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note rose 6/32 in price,its yield moving through resistance at 3.14 percent to stand at 3.13 percent,afterearlier falling to 3.10 percent,which was the lowest since early December. The economic data “added to the market's sense that the economy is in a slower growth mode,”said Cary Leahey,managing director and senior economist at Decision Economics.
  美国10年期公债价格上涨6/32,收益率报3.13%,突破约在3.14%的阻力位,盘中一度跌至3.10%,为去年12月初以来最低。Decision Economics总经理Cary Leahey称,经济数据令“市场愈发感到经济处于较慢的增长模式。”(路透社)

  The U.S. manufacturing and services sectors will continue to grow this year as revenues rise, according to an industry forecast released on Tuesday. The Institute expects manufacturing revenue will rise 7.5 percent this year. Revenue in the non-manufacturing sector is expected to be up 2.1 percent.

  The real US problem is that of jobless recovery. This is the other side of the rapid rise in productivity-another league in which the US heads the western world-and the answer to this problem is still faster growth rather than just special schemes.

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